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Shane Warren

A country boy by birth, Shane was lucky in that he had the opportunity to witness life in all parts of the world as both a child and adult having lived, studied, and worked in the UK, USA, France, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, and South Africa, to name a few. 


Over the years Shane has been an avid student undertaking studies in theology, philosophy, psychology, business, finance, and specialized areas of medicine and law. He holds a Sacramental Theological Doctrite for the USA.


Shane has had a career in many roles; including trainer, business manager, youth worker, writer, coach, social researcher, political adviser, and consultant.  


He is currently the Asia-Pac Convenor for the Association for Coaching (UK) and recently resigned as the Founding Co-Chair of the Asia Pacific Ethical Board of Review (Singapore).


Not just a practitioner, Shane has also co-published a number of books most recently Perspectives of Coping and Resilience association with Prof. Vekat Pulla (of the Australian Catholic University) and Dr. Andrew Shatté (of the University of Arizona); as well as Diversity in Coaching: Working with gender, culture, race, and age with Prof. Jonathan Passmore (of the University of Redding).

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